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Does the sauna really help fight against autumn viruses?

Sauna as a panacea?

The internet is full of claims that sweating in a sauna can cure a cold or the flu. Scientifically, these statements have no proof! However, there is no doubt that sauna relieves the nasty symptoms that precede colds (sneezing, sore throat, muscle pain, runny nose), strengthens the immune system, makes you feel better, and improves general health. Sweating in the sauna raises the body temperature and activates the sweat glands, which have a cooling effect on the body – water and waste products are flushed out of the system, creating a cleansing effect in the body. People experience improvement in symptoms and mood during this process.

How does a sauna fight autumn viruses?

Sauna does not shorten the duration of an already-developed illness. A cold or flu will run its course and will most likely take just as long to recover from – regardless of going to the sauna. On the other hand, a sauna relieves cold and flu symptoms in many ways and makes us feel better. The main ones are improving the activity of the heart and blood vessels, strengthening the immune system, weakening the virus, and cleansing the body of toxins. 

Sauna increases cardiovascular activity

In the sauna, the body temperature rises, which in turn stimulates cardiovascular activity. The heart rate increases, as a result of which the blood flow throughout the body increases, which in turn enhances the circulation of vital nutrients and oxygen in the body. Blood rich in oxygen and nutrients helps the body heal and strengthens the immune system. Sauna heat also has a positive effect on the respiratory system. Dry air stimulates the nasal mucosa to produce a secretion that contains defenses against disease.

Cleanses the body

A good sauna is a great way to detoxify the body and remove harmful toxins. It helps cleanse the system of harmful chemicals. Although a sauna does not directly cure a cold or flu, it does make you feel a lot better. 

Strengthens the immune system

Autumn brings colder and more unpleasant weather, which sometimes leads to zero moods, weakens the immune system, and has a bad effect on our general well-being. Frequent visits to the sauna strengthen the immune system. The high heat of the sauna helps the body create more white blood cells, which are responsible for fighting inflammation and other diseases that harm our body. The body becomes stronger and more resistant after just a few sauna sessions. 

Sauna helps relieve the symptoms of autumn colds but does not cure them! Regular use of the sauna helps to improve health and sense of well-being. It is best to invest in a high-quality sauna that will bring you pleasure for a long time! 

Why is sweating in a sauna good for the body?

Sweating is often thought of as something unpleasant, but in reality, it is vital! Fortunately, sweating in the sauna is not inhibited, but on the contrary – the purpose of the sauna is to sweat as much as possible!

Sweating is essential because:

  • toxins are eliminated from the body through sweating;
  • keeps the skin clean and elastic;
  • a necessary assistant in the thermoregulation of the skin.

Today, many people lead a sedentary lifestyle and do not sweat enough. If the skin pores are constantly closed, and our body does not sweat enough, more and more toxins and heavy metals (zinc, copper, lead, mercury) accumulate there. These substances are obtained by the body from the environment around us and are not necessary for us. 

How does going to the sauna help stimulate sweating?

With its high temperature of 80-100°C and low humidity of 10-20%, the sauna is the most suitable means for stimulating sweating. Due to the heat of the sauna, the body temperature starts to rise, and the blood vessels expand, causing an increase in blood flow. As blood begins to move to the surface of the skin, the body’s nervous system sends signals to millions of sweat glands. It has been calculated that during a 15-minute sauna session, our body can excrete up to 1L of sweat (the daily average is 0.5L-1.5L).

The effect of sweating on the skin

Sweating is also good for the skin; its minerals and salt exfoliate the skin naturally, cleaning the skin of bacteria, dirt, and oil. Dead skin cells are replaced by new ones during this process, and after the pores are cleaned, the skin is softer and healthier.

Sweating is a necessary helper in the thermoregulation of the skin

While in the sauna, our body temperature rises faster. In technical parlance, this is known as hyperthermia, i.e., raising body temperature due to high outside temperature. This is one of the positive effects of a sauna because after the body’s temperature rises, sweat is released, which tries to cool the body. Therefore, constant sauna use contributes to the correct functioning of the thermoregulatory center, which prevents anhidrosis, i.e., insufficient sweating. With insufficient sweating, people have poor tolerance to heat, which is why they are at greater risk of developing heat stroke. 

YES, sweating can be unpleasant, but it is extremely important for our bodies. Drink enough water in between visits to a sauna, enjoy the sauna, and enjoy sweating. It is healthy and necessary!

Sauna test – what kind of sauna goer are you? 

Take our tests and find out what breed of sauna goer you are. For each question, choose only one answer that suits you best. Eco Oil’s “very scientific” test will help you find clarity on this important question. But maybe you just like taking tests. Anyway, a test will always help, so let’s get started!  

Do you often go to the sauna?

  1. A) A few times a year, if that.
  2. B) Don’t care about the sauna, would rather soak in warm water.
  3. C) If there is a sauna at the party, I am the first to jump to the sauna bench.
  4. D) Sure, the body needs to be heated up every week!

Do you have a sauna at home?

  1. A) No, and I haven’t even thought of buying one!
  2. B) No, but I have a hot tub (or I have thought about buying one)!
  3. C) Yes, but I do not routinely go to the sauna.
  4. D) Yes, and I use it as often as I can!

Before sauna, you must?

  1. A) I guess take off my clothes.
  2. B) Fill the hot tub with water.
  3. C) Drink something good from the fridge
  4. D) Take a shower so as not to carry dirt onto the sauna bench.

Do you throw water on heated stones to make steam?

  1. A) No.
  2. B) Not really. 
  3. C) I do if my friend brings water.
  4. D) Sure, but not with cold water!

How do you feel about hot steam?

  1. A) Sounds… hot?
  2. B) I would rather stay in water up to 40 degrees.
  3. C) Well! This way, you can measure yourself with your friends!
  4. D) Gladly, it is good for the lungs, muscles, and bones.

What about whisking?

  1. A) Doesn’t it hurt?
  2. B) I really don’t like it.
  3. C) If someone beautiful whisks, it is ok.
  4. D) It’s like a massage!

Have you jumped into the snow or ice hole from the sauna?

  1. A) No, and I don’t want to either!
  2. B) No, but I have been sitting outside in a hot tub in the winter.
  3. C) I have done this stunt a few times with friends.
  4. D) Sure, how else to freshen up properly in winter?

What is a smoke sauna?

  1. A) If the sauna is smoking during a fire.
  2. B) Something that doesn’t sound inviting.
  3. C) A sauna full of smoke.
  4. D) Traditional sauna, considered by many to be the only right one.

Which of the Ecosauna products do you want?

  1. A) A grill house.
  2. B) A hot tub
  3. C) A Western sauna.
  4. D) A Boletus or a smoke sauna



The most A-answers: you are a sauna novice! We don’t know if you just don’t have the right sauna experience or if you’ve given up enjoying steaming because of some bad memories, but we feel a little sorry for you. However, you are on our page, so there is still hope that you will find that love for the sauna in yourself because maybe you just haven’t found the right one (sauna) yet!  

The most B answers: you are a hot tub enthusiast! You probably already have a hot tub, or you dream of our Deluxe tub with lights and whistles. There is nothing more pleasant for you than soaking in hot water. You probably don’t have anything against a classic sauna, but you prefer to take a bath and calmly “boil your body soft” before you want to sweat on the sauna bench. 

The most C answers: you are a sauna party person! You don’t have your own sauna, and if you do, there’s usually a party there! You usually don’t get into a sauna without a major event. Instead, you are usually among the first to rush to the sauna bench at a sauna party. You especially enjoy the fun atmosphere and company in the sauna, especially in the daring mixed sauna. You probably preferred the Western sauna in the last question because it can accommodate a decent party company!

 The most D answers: you are a sauna expert! Out of the respondents, you are the most familiar with sauna culture. Presumably, you also have your own sauna, maybe ordered from us, maybe even built yourself. You are the one who usually heats it, brings the whisks, and chooses the steam water at the right temperature. When people talk about saunas in a group, they want to hear your opinion because they know whose word matters. In addition, you enjoy the sauna in the most conscious way because it is not just a random stunt for you but a part of the culture of our ancestors, which you can appreciate from the heart.Â